During World War I, a regular yet brave soldier receives seemingly impossible orders. In a race against time, he must cross over into enemy territory to find an enormous enemy machine and destroy it that could potentially save 1,600 of his fellow comrades. This soldier is you! Free the fellow soldiers held captive on the enemy territory and they will join you in the mission. Collect gold during each run to buy valuable upgrades including a heavy tank!
Assassin Hunter Stealth Hitman
Spiderman Rope Hero 3D
Colored Circles
Weekend Sudoku 35
Pig Bros Adventure
Iron Snout
Sophie The Slug
Flippy Bottle
Solitaire 13in1 Collection
Circle Collector
Slap Face
Head Shot Super League
Math Playground
Time of Adventure Finn
Sweet Baby Mermaid Life
MathPups Adventures
Kick The Pirate
Apache Helicopter Air Fighter - Modern Heli Attack
Evasive Balls
Tank Stars Battle Arena
Animals Drive Jigsaw
Stunt Car Impossible Challenge Track
Rummy Multiplayer
Nuclear Assault
Box Size HD
Kaido 2
Amgel Peace Room Escape
Mine Farmer
Memory Challenge