Minions are the numerous creatures that appear in the Despicable Me franchise, which began with the eponymous 2010 film. They are also the official mascots of Illumination Entertainment, a division of Universal Studios, and have been described as being a corporate icon for Universal/Illumination's parent company Comcast on par with Disney's Mickey Mouse following Comcast's purchase of NBCUniversal. The Minions are small, yellow, melodious henchmen who wear overalls and goggles and have one or two eyes. They mostly speak incomprehensible gibberish, which is partly derived from ot
Planet Bubble Shooter
Miraculous Ladybug Foot Doctor
Family Travel Jigsaw
Potato Chips Factory Games
Giddy Pomni
Elevator Fall - Lift Rescue Simulator 3D
Destruction Day
Burger Mania
Mini Games Puzzle Collection
Tank Shootout
Halloween Bubble Shooter Game
Among U: Red Imposter
Motorbike Acrobat
Guild of Zany
Surprise Egg: Dino Party
Bear Village Escape
Fashion New Car
Forest Man
Be a pirate
Elementary Arithmetic Math
Wonderland Match 3
Tied Man Escape
Piggy Roll
Chick Jump HD
Barbie Coloring
Sky Driver On Ramps
Military Soldiers In Battle Jigsaw
Kawaii Coloring Book Glitter
What Comes Next
Clash of Blocks