In the pal world, there are creatures known as pals, and its your mission to catch them all in Pal Hunter! Embark on a thrilling pocket monster hunt as you explore the pal world. Throw your monster ball with precision and capture every pal you encounter. Each captured pal brings you closer to becoming a Monster Master. Explore different areas, encounter various pals, and become the ultimate master of the pal world in this awesome adventure!
Super Breaker
Ninja Run Up and Down
Christmas Party Escape
Police Car Parking
Yummy Toast - Cooking Game
Squid Game Repetition
Block Dancing 3D
Neon Patsh
Killy Willy vs Mommy and Huggy
Rescue Love
Super ShortCut The Fall Running Guys 3D
Balloon Saga
Crazy Gunner 3D
Sling Tomb Fly
Find Christmas Items
Hana Bot 2
Dots VS Dots
Fruit Adventure
Santa winter head soccer
Hungry Shapes
Elevator Fall - Break Down 2020
Makeup Art Salon
Superhero Kid Escape
Choli Jet
Stupid Poppy
Wheel of Bingo